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Vacation Rentals, Hotels & Resort Accommodations

We are a Booking.com Affiliate Partner

Vacation Places To Stay has chosen to partner with Booking.com to offer travelers the best choices for vacation properties - No Booking Fees, Last Minute Room Availability, 2,146,000+ hotels, apartments, villas, condo rentals and more.

Why list your Property with Booking.com

Booking.com, one of the world's leading vacation rental provider, is more than just hotels. They’re always searching for new homes, apartments, and other unique places to stay that inspire travelers. When you list your property, you benefit from influencers to travel writers to prominent media outlets, they make sure the brand is always being talked about. Meaning more people turn to Booking.com when it comes to searching for accommodation.

  • You pick your prices, policies, and rules for your guest
  • 24/7 property support by phone and daily local team support
  • No service fees for guests making a reservation
  • Free marketing. Your listing promoted on Google, Bing and Yahoo

What will happen after I sign up?

After you’ve registered your property, they will review your information to make sure we have everything needed. You’ll then receive an email with login details for your Extranet. This is where you’ll go to update your availability and prices. After that you’ll receive instructions on how to set your property live on Booking.com!

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